《时代》周刊公布2024年“全球100大最具影响力企业”(TIME100 Most Influential Companies)榜单,百度被评为全球领导者,是唯一入选该类别的中国企业。
《时代》周刊称,百度具备“坚实的基础设施”(Strong foundations),“是中国最受欢迎的搜索引擎企业,并在人工智能投入了十余年”。(Best known for launching China’s most popular search engine, Beijing-based Baidu has been working on AI for over a decade.)
“百度是全球少有的、在AI上实现全栈布局的公司,覆盖软件、芯片、云服务器、基础模型及应用。”(It is one of the few tech players worldwide to offer developers a full AI stack, including software, chips, cloud servers, foundation models, and apps, making it a one-stop shop.)
以上就是本篇文章【《时代》周刊全球100大最具影响力企业:百度获评领导者】的全部内容了,欢迎阅览 ! 文章地址:http://xiaoguoguo.dbeile.cn/news/270.html 资讯 企业新闻 行情 企业黄页 同类资讯 首页 网站地图 返回首页 多贝乐移动站 http://xiaoguoguo.dbeile.cn/mobile/ , 查看更多