2024-12-03 14:12  浏览:53



时间都去哪儿了?时间贫困影响个体、人际和家庭幸福感:稀缺理论的视角 (主持),国家自然科学基金面上项目(2023.1 - 2026.12),项目号:72271031

收入不平等影响炫耀性消费决策的双重机制研究(主持),国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020.1 - 2023.12),项目号:71971028相对剥夺感影响风险行为:风险敏感理论及开放系统的视角(主持),北京市自然科学基金面上项目(2020.1 - 2022.12),项目号:9202009




党政干部领导潜能评估方法研究及测评工具研发(主要成员),中组部领导干部考试与测评中心 (2014.7至今)










期刊论文(Journal articles):

Liu, Z., Sun, X.*, Bao, R., Ma, R. (2024). Why Do People Always Want More? Perceived Economic Inequality Leads People to be Greedy by Enhancing Relative Deprivation. British Journal of Psychology.

张南,曹沛伶,李宁,孙晓敏*, 乔志宏,赵精武.(2024).法官工作时间贫困感的前因及其司法决策后果的质性探究.心理学报.Vol. 56, No. 9

Jiang, X., Zhang, N., Sun, X.*, Liu, Z., Wang. Y. (2024). Being Pressed for Time Leads to Treating Others as Things: Exploring the Relationships among Time Scarcity, Agentic and Communal Orientation, and Objectification. British Journal of Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12729

Yuan, Y., Sun, X.* (2024). Can’t See the Forest for the Trees: Time Poverty Influences Construal Level and the Moderating Role of Autonomous versus Controlled Motivation. British Journal of Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12730

Zhao, Q., Ma, R., Liu, Z., Wang, T., Sun, X.*, van Prooijen, J., Dong, M., Yuan, Y. (2023). Why do we never have enough time? Economic inequality fuels the perception of time poverty by aggravating status anxiety. British Journal of Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12695

Liu, J., Sun, X., Chen, H., & Yang, Z. (2023). Passive nature exposure positively predicts prosocial behavior by alleviating perceived crowdedness. Journal of Environmental Psychology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102146

孙晓敏,杨舒婷,孔小杉,刘臻臻,马榕梓,原悦,张南,蒋欣颖,曹沛伶,鲍瑞佶,蔺义芹, 李宁,李志航. (2023). 时间贫困内涵及其对幸福感的影响:稀缺理论视角. 心理科学进展.Vol. 31, No. 12, 1–13

Jiang, X., Zhang, N., Sun, X.*, Yang, S., Dong, M., Yuan, Y., Lin, Y., Liu, Z., Zhu, Y., Zhao, Q. (2023). Rumor Type Matters: The Effect of Different Types of Rumors on Coping, Subjective Well-being, and Interpersonal Trust During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Stress and Health.

Yang, S., Liu, Z., Jiang, X., Sun, X.*, Lin, Y., Yuan, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhao, Q., Hu, Y., Wang, T. (2023). Understanding rumor sharing behavior during COVID-19: The dominant motivation and the potential consequences for life satisfaction. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied.

Yu, M., Sun, X.*, Xu, Y., Liu, Z., Wu, Y., Yang, S., & Luo, F. (2022). Mirror, mirror, on the social media… WeChat Moments usage and negative body image among female college students: Evidence from ecological momentary assessment data. Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being.

Liu, H. Z., Wang, X. Z., Sun, X., & Wei, Z. H. (2022). Group punishment does not always discount: Cultural difference in punishment of individuals and groups. Asian journal of social psychology, 25(3), 464-475.

赵启,刘臻臻,孙晓敏*(2023).薪酬差异与组织创新的关系: 风险敏感理论的视角. 北京师范大学学报(社会科学版),295(1)

Liu, Z., Sun, X.*, Guo, Y., & Yang, S. (2021). Mindful parenting is positively associated with adolescents’ life satisfaction: The mediating role of adolescents’ coping self-efficacy. Current Psychology, 1-12.

Bao, R., Sun, X.*, Liu Z., Fu, Z., Xue, G (2020). Dispositional greed inhibits prosocial behaviors: An emotive - social cognitive dual-process model. Current Psychology, DOI: 10.1007/s12144-020-00928-5

Fei, L., Shi, H., Sun, X.*, Liu, J., Shi, H. & Zhu, Y. (2020). The profile of Ponzi scheme victims in China and the characteristics of their decision-making process. Deviant Behavior., DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2020.1768639

Liu, Z. & Sun, X*. & Guo Y. & Luo F. (2019) Mindful parenting inhibits adolescent from being greedy: The mediating role of adolescent core self-evaluations. Current psychology, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s12144-019-00577-3

Yuan, Y. & Sun, X*. & Chen, Q. & Liu, Z., & Xue, G. (2020). Family socioeconomic status and youth leadership potential: Serial mediating effects of parental rearing behaviors and youth self-esteem. Current Psychology,2020, DOI: 10.1007/s12144-020-00728-x

An, Y., Sun, X.*, Wang K., Shi, H., Zhu.,Y., Liu Z., Luo, F., Xue, G. (2020) Core self-evaluations associated with workaholism: The mediating role of perceived job demands. Personnel Review, DOI: 10.1108/PR-05-2019-0263

Liu, Z., Sun, X*., & Tsydypov, L. (2019). Scarcity or luxury: Which leads to adolescent greed? Evidence from a large-scale Chinese adolescentsample. Journal of adolescence, 77, 32-40.

Yuan, Y., Chen, Q., Sun, X*., Liu, Z., Xue, G., & Yang, D. (2019). Development and Preliminary Validation of the Youth Leadership Potential Scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 10,2310.

Jiang, X., Hu, X., Liu, Z., Sun, X*., & Xue, G. (2020). Greed as an adaptation to anomie: The mediating role of belief in a zero-sum game and the buffering effect of internal locus of control. Personality and Individual Differences, 152, 109566.

Zhu Y, Sun X*, Liu S and Xue G(2019) Is Greed a Double-EdgedSword? The Roles of the Needfor Social Status and Perceived Distributive Justice in the Relationship Between Greed and Job Performance. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:2021.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02021

Liu Z, Sun X*, Ding X, Hu X, Xu Z and Fu Z (2019). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Dispositional Greed Scale and a portrait of greedy people. Personality and Individual Differences, 137, 101-109. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2018.08.012

Liu Y, Fei L, Sun X*, Wei C, Luo F, Li Z, Shen L, Xue G and Lin X (2018). Parental Rearing Behaviors and Adolescent's Social Trust: Roles of Adolescent Self-esteem and Class Justice Climate. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(5), 1415-1427. doi:10.1007/s10826-017-1010-3pdf.

Wei C, Sun X*, Liu J, Zhou C and Xue G (2017) High Power Distance Enhances Employees’ Preference for Likable Managers: A Resource Dependency Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:2066. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.02066pdf.

Sun X*, Jie Y, Wang Y, Xue G and Liu Y (2016). Shared Leadership Improves Team Novelty: The Mechanism and Its Boundary Condition. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:1964. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01964 pdf.

孙晓敏*,魏聪,陈婷,费蕾诗,薛刚(2017).不胜任专家对团队互动模式的影响:团队成员补偿效应.心理科学,40 (1): 181-186pdf.

接园,孙晓敏* (2016),共享领导的概念、测量及其作用机制,软科学,30 (6): 79-82 pdf.

Tierney, W., Schweinsberg, M., Jordan, J., Kennedy, D. M., Qureshi, I., Sommer, S. A., …Xiaomin, S., … Awtrey, E. (2016). Data from a pre-publication independent replication initiative examining ten moral judgement effects. Scientific data, 3.pdf.

詹雪梅,孙晓敏*,&薛刚.(2016).危机情境下团队有效性的研究框架构建:基于IMOI模型,北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)253(2) 47-56pdf.


张梦琪,卞冉,孙晓敏, &车宏生. (2016).人事选拔情景判断测验作假的实证研究.北京师范大学学报:自然科学版, 52(1), 117-121

Schweinsberg, M., Madan, N., Vianello, M., Sommer, S. A., Jordan, J.,...Xiaomin, S.,… & Srinivasan, M. (2016). The pipeline project: Pre-publication independent replications of a single laboratory's research pipeline. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.pdf.

Yang, X. L., Liu, L., Shi, Y. Y., Li, Y. S., Tan, X., Hu, X. M.,& Sun, X. M.(2015). The Relationship between Cultural Anxiety and Ethnic Essentialism: The Mediating Role of an Endorsement of Multicultural Ideology. PloS one, 10(11), e0141875.pdf.

Sun X*, Xu D, Luo F, Wei Z, Wei C, Xue G (2015) A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Preference for Potential Effect: An Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-Analysis Approach. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0124170. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0124170pdf.

魏子晗,詹雪梅,&孙晓敏*(2015).腐败行为的发展轨迹:一项潜变量混合增长模型研究.心理科学, 38(6): 1459-1465 (《心理科学》2015年度优秀论文奖)pdf.                  

Xiao-xiao Zhang, Jian Zheng, Li Liu, Xian Zhao andXiao-min Sun(2014). The Effect of Group Boundary Permeability on Intergroup Prejudice: The Case of Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 8, 53-61 doi:10.1017/prp.2014.7pdf.

辛伟,孙晓敏, &苗丹民. (2014).心理学专业研究生胜任特征模型的建立.心理学探新, 34(6), 560-564.pdf.

Sun, Xiaomin.(2013). Fast Changing China Needs its Own Organizational Behavior Research and Theory. PsycCRITIQUES , 58(27).5 pdf.

孙晓敏, &薛刚. (2013).高层管理者团队构成——从个体属性模型到角色构成模型.管理现代化, 5pdf.

孙晓敏, &薛刚. (2012).国外研究生选拔方式对我国研究生复试的启示.北京大学教育评论, 10(01), 165-186.(中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料《高等教育》2012年第6期全文转载)pdf.

孙晓敏, &车宏生. (2012).国外研究生胜任特征研究对我国研究生复试的启示.比较教育研究, 9, 48-53.pdf.

孙晓敏, &薛刚. (2008).多面Rasch模型在结构化面试中的应用.心理学报, 40(09), 1030-1040.pdf.

孙晓敏, &张厚粲. (2006).国家公务员结构化面试中评委偏差的IRT分析.心理学报, 38(04), 614-625.pdf.

孙晓敏, &张厚粲. (2007).结构化面试评定量表的现代测量学分析.应用心理学, 13(03), 250-256.pdf.

孙晓敏, &薛刚. (2008).自我管理研究回顾与展望.心理科学进展, 16(01), 106-113.pdf.

孙晓敏, &车宏生. (2008).如何设计令员工感兴趣的工作--工作特征模型在员工激励中的应用.中国人力资源开发(03), 37-41. pdf.

孙晓敏,张厚粲,薛刚,黎坚. (2009).多元概化理论在结构化面试中的应用研究.心理科学, 32(4), 77-8 pdf.





组织行为学(2008). 北京: 高等教育出版社(参编)



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